Friday, July 04, 2008

One Patriot's Record

State of South Carolina }
District of Fairfield }

On this seventh day of May --- in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, personally appeared in open Court before John R. Buchanan Esquire Judge of the Court of Ordinary in and for Fairfield District in the State aforesaid Bolling Wright a resident of Fairfield District aforesaid, in the state aforesaid, aged seventy-five years (nearly), who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress passed June 7th 1832; That he was born in Brunswick County near Meherrin River in the State of Virginia on the 12th day of May, A.D. 1759; That Deponent has his age recorded in his Family Bible, and made the entry from one that was made in his Fathers Bible, and has no doubt of the [ill.] of the entry in both.
Deponent when first called into service was living in Brunswick County, State of Virigina, and after the first term of duty, moved to Mecklenburg County Virigina, and was living in the last named county when he performed the other military service hereinafter mentioned, and in the course of five or six years after the Peace of 1783 deponent removed to Fairfield District aforesaid, South Carolina, and has lived there ever since, and now lives there.
Deponent was drafted in every time he performed, he believed to the Second Division Virginia Militia, said Militia being divided into two Divisions.
Deponent received a discharge in writing in his second term from Captain Oliver at Pitch Landing the place of discharge some distance above Portsmouth Virginia which discharge was at the time looked on by Deponent as of little importance and has long since by time or accident been lost or destroyed. Deponent has no distinct recollection of receiving discharges at any other time but thinks it probable that he received a discharge at the end of every term, as he served out his time in every term, and [ill] authorized by the proper authorities to return home, but if deponent ever received such discharges they have been lost or destroyed as deponent has lately made diligent search amongst his [property?] but could not find any.
Deponent states that the following persons are his neighbors and can testify as to his character for veracity, and their belief of his services as a soldier of the Revolution to wit, David R. Coleman, Jacob Feaster, Robert Fletcher [?] and Thomas Lyles; Revd Wm Joiner, Robert Coleman Senr, Andrew Feaster, John Feaster, Revd Samuel Fant, Isaac Means [Mears?].
That he entered the service of the United States under the following named Officers, and served as herein stated.

First Tour. The First tour deponent performed was in Captain Jesse Taylor’s company, Infantry, was living when called into service in Brunswick County Virginia, was called out in the month of January, but does not recollect the year nor the day of the month. Was marched to a town in Virginia called Portsmouth which was separated from the Town of Norfolk by the Norfolk River. The troops were stationed at Portsmouth during the whole term and used the houses of residents [?] for the troops. There was a small fort above the Town in the North side mounting as well as remembered eight cannon, which fort was manned by some of the troops. Deponent was stationed in the Town. General Weadon commanded the whole militia. Does not recollect the name of the Colonel. Asaph Greggory was orderly sergeant in deponent’s company. Bolling Sharr and Lugar Durham [?] were privates in the Company and Solomon Wright deponent’s father also a private were along in this term. Deponent does not now recollect the names of any other Officers in this term. Does not believe there were any regular troops along this term. Deponent served as a private this term two months. There was no engagement with the enemy at this time.

Second Tour. The second tour of service performed by Deponent was under Captain Oliver (believes his Christian name was John). Deponent was living in Mecklenburg County when this and following terms were performed. Was marched through Petersburg on to a place called Pitch Landing. This term commenced in December as deponent believes. Recollects of the company stopping and getting turnips on their march above the town of Petersburg. Does not recollect the year or day of the month. Arthur Fox was first Lieutenant. When the company arrived at the Pitch Landing it was placed under command of Colonel Flemming. There were some troops at the Pitch Landing when they company under Capt. Oliver arrived, under General Muhlenburg [sic]. Thinks Genl Muhlenburg had some regular troops under his command. John Bolling was adjutant to Col. Flemming’s regiment and Jacob Beasley was orderly sergeant to the company deponent was attached to. Does not recollect the names of any other Officers except that of Capt. Grauy [?] who commanded one of the Militia companies. During this term the British had posession of Portsmouth where the Deponent had served his first term. Had no serious engagement with the enemy. Deponent volunteered under Col Flemming with about fifty men to reconnoitre the enemy and drove in their piquette guard in the old field near Portsmouth; one of the party under Col. Flemming was wounded by a Ball in the thight in this affair. The troops had temporary huts erected at the Pitch Landing and were stationed there during the tour. The object was to protect the country against the inroads of the enemy from Portsmouth. Deponent served three months as a private soldier this tour.

Third Tour In the third tour deponent served he was commanded by Captain Isaac Harris Wm Lewis first Lieutenant and Tucker [?] was the Major [?]. This tour commenced in the spring of the year. Does not recollect the year or the month. It wa very warm weather before Deponent got home. Was marched on to Cumberland Court House, Virginia and there was joined by other Militia Companies. Thence was marched on to Pointy Fork [?] over James River, and joined General Stuben [sic] who had about nine hundred regulars under him. Some of his men were blacks. Genl Stuben had command of the whole army. The British were on the opposite side of the River and fired cannon across, and shot a horse of Major Cunningham. Genl Stuben had no cannon and retreated back to Willis’ Creek and the next day the Regular and Militia separated and the Militia fell under command of General Lawson and were commanded by him the reaminder of the tour. Tarleton was said to have been along with British at James River. The Militia under Genl Lawson were there marched lower down James River. Deponent was there taken sick and knows very little of the movements of the enemy during the remainder of the tour. Deponent served three months as a private soldier this time.

Fourth Tour. Deponent was called out in the fourth tour in the year 1781. He recollects the year from the circumstance that it was the year in which Cornwallis surrendered at York Town but does not recollect the month nor day of the month. Captain Stephen Malury [?] commanded the Company. Edward Pennington first Lieutenant. Was marched to Nottaway River Jones’ Bridge. Believes the Bridge was in Amelia County Virginia. Marched on crossing the Nottaway River to the Appomattox River, crossed it and went on to James Rier and crossed it at Hay Island, thence through Williamsburg town, thence to Mattpennic [?] River one prong of Little York river, crossed it and went on to the paspuccunkic [?] river, crossed at Suffield [?] thence down the Pawmunkee [?] until the [ill.] joined Genl Lafayette before York Town. Was joined by another Company on the March between the Appomattox and James River. At York Town deponent’s company was placed under command of a Militia Colonel the Milita colonel was named Weadon but his name not recollected. Grauy [?] was the Major. Genl Washington commanded the whole American forces, and was on the other side of the river from Genl Lafayette who was the head commander on this side. In nineteen days after Deponent arrived at York Town the army under Command of Cornwallis surrendered. There were a great collection of troops both Regular and Milita assembled. Captain Maybury and company remained at York Town some time after the surrender, and until arrangements were made to secure the captured property, and afterward assisted in escorting the prisoners. Deponent served three months as a private soldier in this tour.
That deponent kept no journal or memorandum of his service at the time and owing to his age and consequent loss of memory is unable to state the moths or years in which the services were rendered, but he has a good recollection of the times he served and of the length of time he served in each tour, and that he served eleven months in all as a private soldier and for this period of service he claims a pension.
That during the time he was in service he was not engaged in any civil pursuit but was wholly engaged in his duties as a soldier. That he belonged to an embodied corps, regularly organized and called out into United States service by competent authority.
That Deponent knows of no person now living who can testify as to his actual services. That said services as above stated were performed in Virginia and that deponent has for forty five or forty six years past resided in Fairfield District, So Carolina, and knows of no one who has actual knowledge of the service.
He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.

Sworn to and subscribed }
the day and year aforesaid }

(s) John R Buchanan (s) Bolling Wright

(Bolling Wright is my great-great-great-great-great grandfather, on my dad's side.)

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