"Governor Romney has demonstrated that he is the one candidate in both parties who can represent the three pillars of the Reagan coalition – a strong military, a strong economy and stronger families. Most importantly, he has laid out a vision for strengthening American families through championing a Federal Marriage Amendment and defending the sanctity of human life. Governor Romney has the experience, vision and personal values to lead our county as we face ongoing and new domestic and global challenges, and I am proud to support his candidacy."
Monday, December 31, 2007
Endorsement Watch 12-31-07
Even Though
Nor fruit be on the vines;
Though the labor of the olive may fail,
And the fields yield no food;
Though the flock may be cut off from the fold,
And there be no herd in the stalls --
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my salvation.
The Lord God is my strength;
He will make my feet like deer's feet,
And He will make me walk on my high hills."
Sunday, December 30, 2007
"Documentaries Matter"
A filmmaker's commitment to the artistic merits of a film can sometimes override his commitment to the truth of its message. Whereas, in making films, our commitment to our message might lead us merely to transliterate our arguments into video, rather than to translate them into an entirely different medium of communication.
At the extreme is [one director] who said: "All documentaries are propaganda … There is no such thing as objective truth, only point of view." Unfortunately, this is a common conviction among those on the far left. You tell your lies. I tell mine. May the better propagandist win. This is not a conviction we should entertain ever. We should tell the truth, insofar as we are able.
That doesn't mean we can't try to persuade and entertain. It doesn't mean we can't appeal to sentiments and emotion. It means that we must do so with good arguments and evidence, and without trying to manipulate the emotions of viewers. What we want to create are products with high artistic merit that also make our points. The best productions, I would argue, are those that best balance and integrate these competing tendencies, which best combine metaphor and message.
See the trailer for Acton's documentary The Call of the Entrepreneur here.
The Problem and The Solution
Let me hide myself in thee;
Let the water and the blood,
From thy riven side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure,
Cleanse me from its guilt and pow'r.
Not the labors of my hands
Can fulfil thy law's demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears for ever flow,
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and thou alone.
Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to thy cross I cling;
Naked, come to thee for dress,
Helpless, look to thee for grace;
Foul, I to the Fountain fly;
Wash me, Saviour, or I die.
While I draw this fleeting breath,
When mine eyelids close in death,
When I soar to worlds unknown,
See thee on thy judgment throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in thee.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Publications in 2007
A couple of stories seemed to have a positive impact as well. The story about misuse of Wake County school buses prompted an immediate change in their rental policies. My interview with officials at College Board may have alerted them to a problem in the Advanced Placement audit program.
While Carolina Journal is my major publisher, I also had articles published or referenced in Conservative Citizen, The Wilson Daily Times, the NCHE Greenhouse Report, and The Inner Banks Eagle; I was also an invited journalist to cover the 2nd N.C. Conservative Leadership Conference, blogging on my political journal Five Points.
Charter Uses Travel to Educate (Carolina Journal, Jan '07; Wilson Daily Times, 12/30/06) Sallie B. Howard School of the Arts and Education is a charter school in Wilson, serving a majority of African American students challenged both economically and academically. From its inception in 1997, Sallie B. Howard has placed educational travel as the centerpiece of its programs. ... While other schools may sponsor trips to Florida, New York City, or even a senior cruise for their high school students, Sallie B. Howard School just took 10 middle-school students and six chaperones 7,000 miles to China. ...
Federal Survey Doesn't Concern Homeschool Parent (Carolina Journal, Mar '07)
When Joyce and Ron Smith of Concord received a letter from the U.S. Department of Education asking them to respond to a survey about their children’s homeschooling, they contacted their state organization before they agreed to participate. “I’ve never been contacted for something like this before,” Joyce said. “I just wanted to be sure this wasn’t an attempt to increase regulations against home schoolers.”
Smithfield man scours Pacific for Buffalo Soldier legacy (Carolina Journal, Apr '07)
Joseph Avery's great grandfather still bore the scars of beatings received as a slave when in 1913, he purchased land along the dirt road from Smithfield to Raleigh. Avery moved his family 400 miles to live on part of the land his ancestor purchased with bales of cotton, and he now crosses the Pacific to help strangers reclaim part of their own heritage -- the legacy of American "Buffalo Soldiers" who stayed in the Phillippines after serving in the Spanish-American War.
Public Schools Could Start Earlier If State Senate Agrees (Carolina Journal, May '07)
Public schools might once again open as early as Aug. 8 if the N.C. Senate agrees to a bill passed by the House. It won’t happen without a fight, though, as grass-roots organizers plan to continue their efforts to preserve a traditional summer break for students.
The Message (Conservative Citizen, Summer '07)
There are the official topics, and [then] there are the issues, which show up more pervasively than the agenda suggests. At last year’s Conservative Leadership Conference, it was the need to do something about illegal immigration. From many of the featured speakers, this year’s theme would have been, "Get over it and get to work."
Program Teaches Studens the Work of Historians (Carolina Journal, Jun '07)
School teachers complain that "No Child Left Behind" places all the attention on math and reading scores, pushing other subjects to the side. However, a program outside the Department of Public Instruction, run largely with volunteers and private donations, is a exciting and effective promotion of the subject of history -- by teaching young students the tools and processes of academic historians. Tar Heel Junior Historians is a project of the N. C. Museum of History, and it has been growing for more than 54 years.
Wake School Buses Used For Lobbying Trip (Carolina Journal, Jul '07)
When a bill that would “restore flexibility to the school calendar” went before the House Education Committee in March, opponents of the measure were surprised to find more than 200 public school administrators from around the state in the committee room. Opponents were even more surprised to learn the school officials had been ferried from a convention in Durham County in a convoy of Wake County school buses.
Families Using Non-Public Schools Save Taxpayers Money (Carolina Journal, Aug '07)
N. C. parents who teach their children at home or use privately-funded schools are saving the state's taxpayers significant money each year -- as much as $1 billion annually, according to some estimates.
Colleges Assess Changes in SAT (Carolina Journal, Oct '07)The SAT was changed in 2005 to add an essay section. While it is now a required part of the college entrance exam, North Carolina colleges and universities differ on the significance of the new scores.
Less May Be More (Carolina Journal, Nov '07)
A recent report by the John Locke Foundation's Dr. Terry Stoops found that simply adding instructional time does not guarantee better educational results. In fact, some international data suggests the opposite may be true in some places.
Historical Presentations Change At National Parks (Carolina Journal, Nov '07)
Heard something strange at your last visit to a National Park? It may be because the Park Service is highly dependent on volunteers and temporary rangers, and those rangers are expected to develop their own presentations from just a short list of bullet points. Chief rangers admit that sometimes very peculiar interpretations make it into the tour experience before supervisors discover it.
New AP Course Audit Adds Burdens (Carolina Journal, Dec '07)
In an attempt to control unauthorized use of the "Advanced Placement" name on transcripts, College Board now requires prior approval of the syllabus used by each individual AP teacher. Besides creating a paperwork burden, the new audit program is having trouble dealing with homeschoolers and private tutors, and the question is raised whether the approval process will lead to a national curriculum as college admissions officers place increasing emphasis on AP coursework.
Book Reviews
A Mormon in the White House? 10 Things Every American Needs To Know About Mitt Romney by Hugh Hewitt (Carolina Journal, May '07)
Hugh Hewitt makes a strong case that Mitt Romney has the experience and the skills needed to be an effective chief executive. However, Hewitt completely loses his cool over the fear that evangelicals might not embrace a prominent member of a religious movement they find antithetical to their own deepest beliefs, calling them un-American, un-Christian, and bigots.
Michael Beschloss, Presidential Courage: Brave Leaders and How They Changed America, 1789-1989 (Carolina Journal, Jul '07)
Many presidents have grappled with depression, self-doubt, abandonment, and isolation when dealing with the critical issues of their administration. Washington limited himself to two terms because he was sick of dealing with the infighting in his administration; Truman offered to run as Eisenhower's vice president rather than face his own re-election campaign. Beschloss shows that such feelings are common to high leadership, and the most successful presidents find their way through it, often with no one's knowledge.
Ronald Reagan (Donald Brinkley, ed.), The Reagan Diaries (Carolina Journal, Aug '07)
The very personal and highly readable memoir of a man with nothing to hide. The Reagan sitting alone at his desk jotting in his journal was the same one we saw on television. Inspiring, enlightening, entertaining; I was captured by the end papers, which duplicated Reagan's handwritten account of his attempted assassination experience.
Steve Gill, The Fred Factor: How Fred Thompson May Change The Face of the '08 Campaign (Carolina Journal, Dec '07)
A book being quickly overtaken by events, as election-year biographies will. The former senator may well be the most consistent conservative in the '08 election but if things don't heat up with Team Thompson soon he'll be back on Law and Order in a few months.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Endorsement Watch 12-28-07
The former Texas Court of Appeals judge said he believes Thompson is a true conservative and can win.
"Fred Thompson has the experience, convictions and dedication to make him a great candidate and a great president," Pressler said in a statement released by the Thompson campaign. "He knows Washington but is not part of the Washington system. Fred is the consistent conservative in the presidential race and is the most electable."
Meanwhile, Mike Huckabee, the only ordained Baptist minister in the race, is
almost totally ignored by his fellow Christians .... Huckabee’s only evangelical
endorsement comes from Tim LaHaye, co-author of the “Left Behind” novels — which may be the appropriate title for Huckabee’s campaign.
Ron Paul on evolution: "I don't accept it as a theory"
“Well, first, I thought it was very inappropriate question, you know, for the presidency to be decided on a scientific matter ...
And I think it’s a theory, the theory of evolution, and I don’t accept it as a theory. The Creator that I know created us, every one of us, and created the universe, and the precise time and manner and all, I just don’t think we’re at a point that anybody has absolute truth on either side …”
I'm not sure what to make of Paul's reply, and not knowing where the exchange took place doesn't help. The hesitancy of his answer makes me wonder if it was an ad hoc statement rather than a conviction, and if the former, there's little point in dissecting his comment pro or con.
Incidentally, I have not heard of any prominent evangelical leaders who have endorsed Paul's candidacy, but I do know he's got serious support in some evangelical and conservative Catholic circles. He also has a contingent of homeschool supporters, including Isabel Lyman, but I'm not sure how many of them would identify themselves as "evangelical" for political purposes.
Domesticity saving the planet
In the United States (U.S.) in 2005, divorced households spent 46% and 56% more on electricity and water per person than married households. ... Furthermore, U.S. households that experienced divorce used 42–61% more resources per person than before their dissolution.The study said if divorcees in the U.S. were as resource-efficient as married households, they would have saved over 627 billion gallons of water in 2005 alone. I bet that's more than hotels save by skimping on bath towel exchanges.
No word yet if conserving marriage will be promoted as an environmentally virtuous act.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Surprised? Why?
However, there is a fact that apparently people overlook:
Speaking to reporters Wednesday, [zoo director Manuel Mollinedo] was asked about an incident last year, in which Tatiana chewed flesh off a keeper's arm during a public feeding demonstration. Mollinedo said that Tatiana "was acting like a normal tiger" at the time, and that the zoo modified procedures to increase safety.
This is same level of denial we hear all the time -- the mobilizing recruit who pleads that he didn't join the Army to fight, officials at failing schools who complain that they lose per-pupil funding when parents send their students to a more successful charter school nearby, unionized workers when labor costs prompt employers to move manufacturing overseas, homeowners whose houses on the beach, floodplain, or chapparel-covered hillside are consumed by natural disasters.
There are certain consequences built into the natural order and design of things, and we can't afford to lose sight of those facts as we construct our view of reality. It's irrelevant how we feel about it.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
N.C. one of top 10 Baptist news stories, 2007
Years of pro-SBC conservatives consolidating their grip on the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina’s leadership led most of the state convention’s affiliated agencies -- including three colleges and the state’s Woman’s Missionary Union -- to distance themselves from the convention. In response, messengers to the annual meeting voted to defund WMU. They also expelled a prominent and historic Charlotte congregation, Myers Park Baptist Church, for its stance on accepting gays and lesbians, prompting national headlines in the secular press.I remember a conversation I had with an SBC pastor prior to our move back to North Carolina in 1996. The region of Louisiana where we lived was full of Reformed, Baptist churches (punctuation is intentional) -- at least five congregations within a reasonable drive of our home, both independent and SBC-affiliated. I was trying to reconnoiter the church situation back in the Carolinas and called a few pastors in the area we were contemplating, hoping to find if there were any like-minded churches there (remember, this is pre-Web for most of us, and the Founders Conference was trying hard not to look like a sub-denomination within the SBC).
I asked the pastor of a moderately large church whether he knew of any Baptist churches that were teaching "the doctrines of grace", and there was a pause, almost a sigh, on his end of the line, before he said, "You have to understand; here in North Carolina, Baptists are still debating whether the Bible is literally true or not. They're not to that level of theological sophistication yet."
I think I've seen the larger N.C. association continue to move to the conservative side since then, and the moderate party consolidating itself as a subset group (subsitute "fundamentalist" and "liberal" if you feel led). Our congregation, South Smithfield Baptist Church, is not currently a member of either the BSCNC or the Southern Baptist Convention; neither are we hostile toward either. I just mention this as an interesting FYI.
Of course, as I had occasion to mention in my sermon last week, there are sometimes good and Godly reasons that churches -- and I suppose, affiliated ministries -- may find it expedient to separate from organizations.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Midwestern Tour 2007
- Three nights
- Nine states
- 1853 miles - 596 miles the longest day
- Three customer visits
- Five phone interviews
- Two books on tape
- One and a half inches of snow
- Not a whole lot of sleep
Famous river crossings included the Mississippi, Ohio, Cumberland, Kanahwa, and Wabash; we were close to the mouth of the Missouri but didn't spend the extra couple of hours it likely would have meant to drive out and back. I-64 crosses the Kanahwa four times near Charleston, WV.
The culinary highlight was a stop at Skyline Chili for a plate of "Four Way with beans" since neither of us care for raw onions.
Most interesting signs: Coming around a curve, we encountered "Bellshire Church of God", which looked for an instant just like Hellfire Church of God. Well, we know what they're preaching.
Several towns in West Virginia (amazingly enough, not named for Senator Robert Byrd) carried signs that said "Certified Business Location"; coming into the state, a large sign that said "West Virginia is Open for Business" (John asked if we came another day, would it read "Closed for Remodeling"?).
The last day, a billboard with a plush chair advertising a comfortable church; my thought - "I can't believe a church would do that to itself."
Most impossible route: A stretch of Interstate that runs simultaneously north and south while actually oriented east/west (a personally infamous segment near Wytheville, VA, where I-77 and I-81 share a roadbed with US 52 and US 11 for eight miles). At this point, I-77 N goes to Charleston WV, while I-81 N goes to the Shennandoah Valley. Beware ...
UPDATE: A commenter asked which books we listened to. We finished up Higher: A Historic Race to the Sky and the Making of a City. This is the story of two rival architects, estranged partners, who ended up constructing competing "world's tallest building" designs - the Chrysler Building and the Bank of the Manhattan Co. Building -- just before the 1929 crash. The Empire State Building shot up a year later and eclipsed them both.
The other was The Burma Road: The Epic Story of the China-Burma-India Theater in World War II, an account of the fight to keep a route open to re-supply free China, defend India, liberate Burma, and most importantly, provide a land route to push Japan back to the Pacific ... a strategic consideration that was bypassed by the island-hopping route eventually implemented. A tremendous story I knew little about before.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Unintentional Humor
The big thing was it was miniscule.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Let them eat cake, 2007
Since the spring, wheat prices have doubled and almost every crop under the sun — maize, milk, oilseeds, you name it—is at or near a peak in nominal terms. ... Even in real terms, prices have jumped by 75% since 2005. ...Congressman Etheridge, are you listening?
But the rise in prices is also the self-inflicted result of America's reckless ethanol subsidies. This year biofuels will take a third of America's (record) maize harvest. That affects food markets directly: fill up an SUV's fuel tank with ethanol and you have used enough maize to feed a person for a year.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Historical Linkage
Catherine Parr, wife of Henry VIII, died
The Ming Dynasty banned all foreign trade
Mary Queen of Scots was betrothed to the future Francis II of France - at the age of five
A long leaf pine near Southern Pines, NC, began growing
Endorsement Watch 12-10-07
"I strongly disagree with a significant number of Mormon theological beliefs, which I find to be inconsistent with the Bible and with historic Christian teachings. But many Mormon teachings on ethics and values are similar to those in the Bible, and those teachings support Romney’s conservative political values," says Grudem.
Friday, December 07, 2007
" A Distinctly American Character"
Federalists were on the way out then and Republicans ascendant, but neither would survive by the time party politics really took hold – and yet in the end they both proved to be right. Just as the Federalists feared, Americans turned out to be almost ungovernably licentious, as licentious as any relatively law-abiding people can be; and as Republicans feared, America became the most capital- and market-driven nation on earth, a raw frenzy of commercialism. Maybe Washington would not have liked what he saw, but more than two hundred years later these traits were recognized (and caricatured) around the world as an important part of the distinctly American character, which was what Washington wanted for the United States most of all.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
All They Wanted ...
For years Philip [the son of Massasoit] had used the promise of war as a way to appease his increasingly indignant warriors. Whenever pushed to an actual confrontation, however, he had always backed down, and it appears that as late as June 23, 1675, he held out hope that war might once again be averted. But instead of providing Philip with the support he so desparately needed to control his warriors, Governor Winslow [the son of Edward Winslow] only made matters worse. Indeed, it was his callous prosecution of Tobias and the others, for Sassamon's murder, that triggered the outbreak of violence. By refusing to acknowledge that Philip's troubles were also his troubles, Winslow was as responsible as anyone for King Philip's War.
In the end, both sides wanted what the Pilgrims had been looking for in 1620: a place unfettered by obligations to others. But from the moment Massasoit decided to become the Pilgrims' ally, New England belonged to no single group. For peace and for survival, others must be accommodated. The moment any of them gave up on the difficult work of living with their neighbors -- and all of the compromise, frustration, and delay that inevitably entailed -- they risked losing everything. It was a lesson that Bradford and Massasoit had learned over the course of more than three long decades. That it could be so quickly forgotten by their children remains a lesson for us today.
Conservatism defined
"It means things that are consistent with God's design for man. It's consistent with human nature. It's consistent with the lessons of history and the lessons of the ages. They found form in the Constitution, I think, and what our Founding Fathers believed. They understand that man can do great and wonderful things, but man is prone to err and times do terrible things, that too much power in too few hands is a dangerous thing. That power is a corrupting thing."
HT: Rush Limbaugh
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Evangelical Endorsement Update 12/07/07
For Rudy Giuliani:
Pat Robertson (Founder, Christian Broadcasting Network)
For Mitt Romney:
Paul Weyrich, (Co-founder, The Moral Majority)
Dr. Bob Jones III (Former president, Bob Jones University)
Dr. John Willke (Founder, National Right To Life)
Jay Sekulow (American Center for Law and Justice)
Mark DeMoss (Political strategist)
Dr. Wayne Grudem (Professor of Biblical Research and Theology, Phoenix Seminary)
Hugh Hewitt (Political commentator)
For Fred Thompson:
National Right To Life Committee
West Virginians for Life
Rhode Island Right to Life Committee
For John McCain:
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
For Mike Huckabee:
Dr. Daniel Akin (President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Randy Alcorn (Author, founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries)
Dr. Mark Bailey (President, Dallas Theological Seminary)
Phil Burress (President, Citizens for Community Values)
Rev. Keith Butler (Founding Pastor, Word of Faith International Christian Center Church)
Jerry Cox (President, Arkansas Family Council)
Rev. Jimmy Draper (Former president, Southern Baptist Convention)
Jerry Falwell Jr. (Chancellor, Liberty University)
Michael Farris (Founder, Home School Legal Defense Association)
Dr. Ronnie Floyd (Former Chair, Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention)
Janet Folger (President, Faith2Action)
Dr. Joe Fuiten (Founder, Positive Christian Agenda)
Georgia Right To Life PAC
Rev. Jack Graham (Former president, Southern Baptist Convention)
Bishop John Gimenez (International Overseer, Rock Ministerial Family)
Pastor Anne Gimenez (Co-founder and pastor of Rock Church, Virginia Beach, VA)
Thomas Glessner (Founder/President, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates)
Michael Heath (Executive Director, Christian Civic League of Maine)
Home School Legal Defense Association PAC
Dr. Jerry Jenkins (Co-author, Left Behind series)
Dr. Billy McCormack (Founding National Board Member, Christian Coalition)
William J. Murray (Chair, Religious Freedom Coalition)
Star Parker (Founder and president of CURE)
Jim Pfaff (President and CEO, Colorado Family Action)
Rick Scarborough (Founder and President, Vision America)
Kelly Shackelford (Chief Counsel, Liberty Legal Institute)
Mathew Staver (Dean, Liberty University Law School)
Dr. Jay Strack (President/ Founder, Student Leadership University)
Stephen Strang (Founder, Charisma magazine)
Karen Testerman (Founder and Executive Director, Cornerstone Policy Research)
Rev. Jerry Vines (Former president, Southern Baptist Convention)
Rev. Donald Wildmon (President, American Family Association)
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Endorsement Watch 12/04/07
Mark DeMoss, a strategist for evangelicals who strongly endorsed Romney in an October letter to conservative leaders, said he believes the speech will help, and said he still believes born-again Christians would overwhelmingly favor Romney over Giuliani, who remains more liberal on social issues.
“Let’s say by late January or Feb. 6, it’s clearly a race between him and Giuliani,” DeMoss said. “I think there would a tidal wave of evangelical support to Mitt Romney, including countless numbers of evangelicals who would have told you before they weren’t comfortable voting for a Mormon. Suddenly, they’d be very comfortable.”
Another endorsement I just located: Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, for Romney.
Kitchen dialog
Me: "Because somebody gave Seth chewing gum."
A parent will immediately understand.
For those who don't, the explanation was that someone in the van gave Seth some chewing gum, with which he tried (unsuccessfully) to blow a bubble, which resulted instead in blowing the whole wad out of his mouth, which then was lost from view (Me: "How do you lose chewing gum?") until long after he was home and noticed this odd accretion about ankle-high on his new blue jeans. Heloise says freeze it, ipso facto giving gum to a seven-year-old results in blue jeans in the freezer compartment. Makes perfect sense.
UPDATE: They never got really stiff like I expected, but the gum did get tough enough to scrape off with a kitchen knife.
Think really big Venus flytraps
Detectives to Hunt, Kill Deer Eating Flowers
UPDATE: The family is making a punctuation exercise out of this headline.
No one is asking why criminal investigators are hunting deer anyway. Our azaleas (thought to be victims of said deer) weren't that valuable, really.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Fat Envelopes

Campbell University's came yesterday; they have rolling admissions so we weren't surprised to hear from them this soon. Clemson's early reply was a pleasant and unexpected welcome to December, though.
Presidential Candidates on Homeschooling
First and foremost, this is not a federal issue. I took issue with Rudy Giuliani earlier this year because he dwelt on educational solutions which he supported as mayor but which are not proper distribution of powers if carried on at the federal level. In this, I have to agree somewhat in principle with my liberal/libertarian counterparts in the homeschooling movement who bristle at any federal mention of home education for good or for ill. It's not the federal government's business. (I use italics, somewhat, because I also agree somewhat with HSLDA's position, that if the federal government is going to involve itself in this issue, at least let's make sure they are not undermining or denegrating homeschoolers in the process.)
However, a candidate's statements relating to homeschooling can indicate their commitment to federalism, individual liberty, and parental rights issues. It also shows who they're listening to, and whose support they are actively pursuing. In this case, even if the best thing they can do for homeschoolers is leave them alone, it is worth asking what their administration's position would be.
Fred Thompson includes homeschooling in his white paper on education. He says he intends to "Give parents the ability to choose the best setting situation to meet the needs of their children--whether in a public, private, religious, home or charter school setting." He supports vouchers and tax credits as a means to give parents that ability. While he doesn't say so explicitly, it might be assumed these programs would include homeschoolers. In another place (s.v. "Education") he supports "empowering parents by promoting voucher programs, charter schools, and other innovations that enhance education excellence through competition and choice". Would this include virtual school programs? Probably, though not mentioned here.
Overall, his statements on education call for reducing the federal government's involvement in education while promoting parental choice, local control of schools, and increased accountability for any funding decisions -- both in awarding funding, and in the results obtained from it.
Mike Huckabee is the only Republican candidate who spoke to the National Education Association convention this year and told them his children attended public schools from grades 1 to 12. That said, Huckabee picked up the enthusiastic endorsement of Home School Legal Defense Association's PAC early in the campaign; HSLDA's founder and chairman Michael Farris has actively campaigned for Huckabee in Iowa and is a founding member of his Faith and Family Values Coalition.
Huckabee says on his website "I have been a strong, consistent supporter of the rights of parents to home school their children, of creating more charter schools, and of public school choice. ... As Governor, I fought hard for more charter schools, with their strong parental involvement and their unique ability to serve as laboratories for education reform, and for the rights of parents to home school their children."
Arkansas' homeschool law (HSLDA summary here) is similar to North Carolina's in some respects. Parents file a notice of intent, not an application for permission; while testing is required, there are no rules about minimum acceptable scores. Record keeping is actually less in Arkansas, since there is not a requirement to keep attendance nor a records inspection clause. On the other hand, standardized testing must utilize the state's achievement tests (provided at no cost), and the NOI requires not only children's names but also the curriculum planned and parents' qualifications to teach ("for statistical purposes only"). The NOI is submitted to local public school officials, who may choose to waive certain requirements and deadlines.
There was a sharp reaction in some circles to HSLDA's early endorsement, such as several postings on a grassroots blog promoting Duncan Hunter, suggesting that Huckabee's interest in homeschooling is purely political. Well, maybe that's no surprise, if true.
Mitt Romney specifically proposes a federal homeschooling tax credit in his position statement. "Governor Romney believes that parents who want to home school their kids should be able to do so. To help them, he will provide a tax credit to help defray the educational expenses of parents who home school their kids." He recently promoted the idea campaigning in South Carolina.
This support is in addition to his position that "when parents and kids are free to choose their school, everyone benefits. That's because competition and choice in educational opportunities – whether it comes from private schools, charter schools, or home schooling – makes traditional public schools better and improves the quality of education for all of America's kids." (Link)
Rudy Giuliani website seems sketchy on details, at least when it comes to education. He states strongly a preference to follow the wishes of parents over school bureaucrats. He supports "empowering parents"
John McCain says nearly nothing about education policy on his 2008 campaign website. In the 2000 campaign he proposed a voucher program. UPDATE 6/10/08: His website says a lot about educational choice now, and homeschooling is specifically supported. See my post elsewhere in this blog for details.
On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton established her legal reputation as a child advocate, and on the "Issues" section on her website, education is subsumed under "Supporting Parents and Caring For Children". She would support programs to train and support new parents to help them give developmental help to their children; whether this would include homeschooling is debateable but not unthinkable. There is no mention here of parental rights or educational choice.
Clinton proposes federal matching funds to provide pre-kindergarten programs. "As President, I will establish universal pre-kindergarten education through a federal-state partnership, based on state flexibility that ensures every four-year-old child in America has access to a high-quality pre-kindergarten program." Education officials and teachers' unions are praising her call for "highly trained" teachers in programs for 4-year-olds. Her proposal is built to expand to younger ages as well, meaning federal funding for classes for three-year-olds and, perhaps, even younger children.
The only references to homeschooling on the Clinton website are occasional comments from supporters in the blog and forum sections. However, the expansion of federal programs for new parents and educational programs for children four and under does not augur well for the freedom of individual choice and responsibility represented by homeschooling.
I plan to update this section as time and announcements permit. One other resource with numerous historical positions and quotations from candidates on educational issues appears on the website, On The Issues.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Endorsement Watch 11/30/07
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Endorsement Watch 11/28/07
Also this week, Huckabee announced the formation of the Faith and Family Values Coalition, which includes a number of evangelical leaders in its starting line up.
While Giuliani's endorsement from Pat Robertson has dominated the discussion for two weeks, seconded by Thompson's collection of right to life endorsements, Huckabee is gathering quite a list of supporters, and not all of them fellow Baptists, either.
New names coming with this announcement:
Randy Alcorn, author and Founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries
Dr. Mark Bailey, President of Dallas Theological Seminary
Phil Burress, President of Citizens for Community Values
Rev. Keith Butler, Founding Pastor of Word of Faith International Christian Center Church
Jerry Cox, President of Arkansas Family Council
Michael Farris, Chair of Home School Legal Defense Association
Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Former Chair, Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention
Janet Folger, President of Faith2Action
Dr. Joe Fuiten, Founder of Positive Christian Agenda
Bishop John Gimenez, International Overseer of Rock Ministerial Family
Pastor Anne Gimenez, Co-founder and pastor of Rock Church, Virginia Beach, VA
Thomas Glessner, Founder/President of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates
Michael Heath, Executive Director of Christian Civic League of Maine
Dr. Jerry Jenkins, co-author of the Left Behind series
Dr. Billy McCormack, Founding National Board Member of Christian Coalition
William J. Murray, Chair of Religious Freedom Coalition
Star Parker, Founder and president of CURE
Jim Pfaff, President and CEO of the Colorado Family Action
Rick Scarborough, Founder and President of Vision America
Kelly Shackelford, Chief Counsel, Liberty Legal Institute
Mathew Staver, Dean of Liberty University Law School
Dr. Jay Strack, President/ Founder of Student Leadership University
Karen Testerman, Founder and Executive Director of the Cornerstone Policy Research
Monday, November 26, 2007
Endorsement Watch 11/27/07
The Providence (RI) reports that the Rhode Island Right to Life Committee has also given their nod to Thompson:
Rita Parquette, executive director of the Rhode Island chapter, explained the local chapter’s choice this way in a statement late last week: “Fred Thompson has had a strong, consistent pro-life record throughout his political career. Thompson opposes abortion and believes the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision was wrongly decided and must be reversed.”Evangelical Endorsements So Far:
There is also a reference in this article to Michael Farris of HSLDA campaigning for Huckabee in Iowa. I'll count this as an endorsement.
For Rudy Giuliani:
Pat Robertson (Founder, Christian Broadcasting Network)
For Mitt Romney:
Paul Weyrich, (Co-founder, The Moral Majority)
Dr. Bob Jones III (Former president, Bob Jones University)
Dr. John Willke (Founder, National Right To Life)
For Fred Thompson:
National Right To Life Committee
West Virginians for Life
Rhode Island Right to Life Committee
For John McCain:
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
For Mike Huckabee:
Home School Legal Defense Association PAC
Rev. Donald Wildmon (President, American Family Association)
Rev. Jerry Vines (Former president, Southern Baptist Convention)
Rev. Jimmy Draper (Former president, Southern Baptist Convention)
Rev. Jack Graham (Former president, Southern Baptist Convention)
Stephen Strang (Founder, Charisma magazine)
Dr. Daniel Akin (President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Endorsement Watch - 11/25/07
World Net Daily's Bill Press says that Mike Huckabee has been endorsed by author Tim Lahaye, which may not be the best news to get:
Huckabee's only evangelical endorsement comes from Tim LaHaye, co-author of the "Left Behind" novels – which may be the appropriate title for Huckabee's campaign.
Press is wrong, since American Family Association's Don Wildmon has already endorsed Huckabee. But I won't add Lahaye to the list until I get another news reference, though.
Jerry Falwell Jr., son of the Jerry Falwell, was featured in the Lynchburg, Va., News & Advance yesterday, which reported that ...
... Although Falwell Jr. hasn’t been as politically involved as his father, he plans to continue bringing national political speakers to the school. “Convocation is meant to be a forum for business, political and religious leaders to speak - that will always be part of the convocation here,” he said.
Even in the midst of an interview two weeks ago, he got a call from Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee.
Falwell Jr. has not decided whether to endorse a presidential candidate, he said.
In September, Republican presidential candidate Alan Keyes spoke at [Liberty University]. That was about a month after Falwell Jr. began his first semester as
chancellor of Liberty ...
And in older news, Huckabee's campaign website links to a video where author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar comes out for Huckabee.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The One That Matters
USC 21
Field goal on the last play of the game put them over the top.
ENTIRELY too close for comfort, if you ask me.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
A Song for Thanksgiving
Hallelujah, praise Jehovah,
O my soul, Jehovah praise; [1]
I will sing the glorious praises
Of my God through all my days. [2]
Put no confidence in princes,
Nor for help on man depend; [3]
He shall die, to dust returning,
And his purposes shall end. [4]
Happy is the man that chooses
Israel's God to be his aid;
He is blessed whose hope of blessing
On the Lord his God is stayed. [5]
Heaven and earth the Lord created,
Seas and all that they contain;
He delivers from oppression,
Righteousness he will maintain. [6]
Food he daily gives the hungry,
Sets the mourning prisoner free, [7]
Raises those bowed down with anguish,
Makes the sightless eyes to see.
Well Jehovah loves the righteous, [8]
And the stranger he befriends,
Helps the fatherless and widow,
Judgment on the wicked sends. [9]
Hallelujah, praise Jehovah,
O my soul, Jehovah praise;
I will sing the glorious praises
Of my God through all my days.
Over all God reigns for ever,
Through all ages he is king;
Unto him, thy God, O Zion,
Joyful hallelujahs sing! [10]
-- Trinity Hymnbook No. 53
NOTE 11/23: I had connection issues yesterday so I backdated this post to place it on Thanksgiving Day, where it should be!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
August 1914
Offhand I would describe this as Dostoyevski Meets Hemingway -- a readable twentieth-century war story featuring a million characters with unpronounceable names and a sense of inevitable doom hanging over the whole. Well-written, interesting, but very long.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sacred Harp
Great line in the trailer: "At one point he said, 'Do you want to sound like a bunch of untutored Southerners?' and everybody said, 'Yes!'"
More music at the movie's website, Awake My Soul
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Endorsement Watch 11-13-07
The organization's executive director David O'Steen said that in spite of variation in polling results, "the overwhelming consensus has been that he is best positioned to top pro-abortion candidate Rudy Giuliani for the Republican nomination ... and also, looking at polls against the likely Democrats, he is well-positioned, and we believe [he is] best positioned, to win the presidency of the United States for unborn children."
My take on it: This is a critical endorsement for Thompson, who has an excellent voting record on pro-life issues but has taken flak because of a principled stand that is unpopular among some Republicans -- opposing a Constitutional amendment outlawing abortion, not because he's soft on abortion but because he believes it should be decided by the states (as it was before Roe v. Wade).
Also, Baptist Press reports that three former presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention have endorsed Mike Huckabee.
James (Jimmy) T. Draper Jr., Jack Graham and JerryMy take on this one: Interestingly enough this didn't pick up in my news scrape yesterday. None of these men is a lightning rod like Robertson, Wildmon, or Dobson, but you don't get elected to lead the SBC without long and solid conservative and evangelical credentials; why didn't the mainstream media seem to notice this announcement?
Vines all said they were supporting Huckabee, a fellow Southern Baptist and former president of the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. Draper and Vines served as president of the SBC during the 1980s and played key roles in returning the denomination to its orthodox roots. Graham served as president of the SBC from 2003-05.
For perspective, membership in the Southern Baptist Convention is over 16 million, which is more than the population of any state except California, Texas, New York, or Florida (and exceeds the combined population of the fourteen smaller states). Don't forget, too, that doesn't count young children in most cases. It's nothing to sneeze at.
A few more interesting endorsements highlighted in the Baptist Press article -- Stephen Strang of Charisma magazine, and Dr. Daniel Akins of our own Southeast Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest.
Evangelical Endorsements So Far:
For Rudy Giuliani:
Pat Robertson (Founder, Christian Broadcasting Network)
For Mitt Romney:
Paul Weyrich, (Co-founder, The Moral Majority)
Dr. Bob Jones III (Former president, Bob Jones University)
Dr. John Willke (Founder, National Right To Life)
For Fred Thompson:
National Right To Life Committee
For John McCain:
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
For Mike Huckabee:
Home School Legal Defense Association PAC
Rev. Donald Wildmon (President, American Family Association)
Rev. Jerry Vines (Former president, Southern Baptist Convention)
Rev. Jimmy Draper (Former president, Southern Baptist Convention)
Rev. Jack Graham (Former president, Southern Baptist Convention)
Stephen Strang (Founder, Charisma magazine)
Dr. Daniel Akin (President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary)
Monday, November 12, 2007
Endorsement Watch 11-12-07
The New York Times website mentions that NRTL's founder Dr. John Willke has already endorsed Mitt Romney, though.
Stay tuned ... I'll tally tomorrow
Class at Clemson
In place of 'Big Thursday,' the school will hold what they're calling a "Fowl Fest" at 7 p.m. on Thursday, November 15. The event will be held on the lawn of the school president's home.
School officials said they felt that something different would be more appropriate this year.
“After hearing the news of everything that happened, and especially being at the vigil that brought so many people together to mourn, the decision was obvious,” said Anastasia Thyroff, a senior marketing major from Pittsford, N.Y., and co-chair of Fowl Fest in a written release. “During this time of grieving, there needs to be a time of celebration, not a time of rivalry. We look forward to having the traditional Big Thursday come back next year, but this year was definitely not the right time.”
The event is called 'Fowl Fest' because both of Clemson's final opponents, Boston College and USC, feature bird mascots.
Good decision, Tigers. Don't sheath any claws on the football field, of course, but fires and funerals aren't funny this year.
UPDATE 11/13/07: Carolina cancels "Tiger Burn" too
I'm relieved to see the students at USC came to the same conclusion as Clemson. Frankly, WLTX's story yesterday didn't do them any favors, but today brought the right response: credit where credit is due. I'll even be nice and write it in their school color, too.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A Word in Season, from Isaac Watts
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm.
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never-failing skill
He treasures up his bright designs,
And works his sovereign will.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy, and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust him for his grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flow'r.
Blind unbelief is sure to err,
And scan his work in vain.
God is his own interpreter,
And he will make it plain.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Another Perspective on Robertson's Nod
RTWTUnlike Jerry Falwell who didn't bother to play such games, Robertson had a weakness for the Big Tent babble that made the rise of the Schwarzeneggers and Giulianis inevitable. ...
... This approach was the Christian Republican equivalent of the liberal U.S. Catholic bishops' ill-fated Seamless Garment theory in the 1980s which treated abortion as just one among many concerns.
And it has proven just as "successful." The Seamless Garment theory helped elect pro-abortion Catholic Democrats; now the Robertson/Reed version of it helps elect pro-abortion Republican ones.
If anything, history shows that the "narrowly defined doctrial purity" of the Moral Majority packs much more of a political punch than the muddled Christian Coalition message. Falwell helped elect Ronald Reagan; Robertson has reduced himself to a PR tool for an obvious cultural liberal who wouldn't dare appear with him on stage if he didn't serve the temporary purpose of head-faking Christian conservatives.
More Time Isn't Always Better
guidebooks, Stoops wrote.
The United States ranked 27th out of 39 countries. U.S. students spent the equivalent of four weeks more than the global average time in math class, but ranked only barely ahead of the lowest fourth.
A study published by Pennsylvania State University found similar results in science, reading, and civics instruction. The researchers recommended that as long as scores were within international norms, “Do not waste resources in marginal increases in instructional time … If there is a choice between using resources to increase time versus improving teaching and the curriculum, give priority to the latter.”
Publications from the Department of Public Instruction acknowledge the need to focus on instructional quality over simple questions of seat time. DPI’s guide for implementing the Standard Course of Study, a pair of documents titled, The Balanced Curriculum, cautions, “extending the school day won’t necessarily help teachers deliver a balanced curriculum. Research has shown that it is how time is used verses [sic] the amount of time that students are in school that makes a difference.”
Stoops acknowledged that some successful schools do have a longer instructional day, such as those based on the Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP). However, he said, the difference is what they do with the time.
“KIPP’s success has much more to do with their high-quality instruction and superior school climate than with the length of their school day. KIPP schools are able to fill their longer school day with highly effective instruction, whereas most public schools do not,” he said.
“Otherwise,” he said, “the measure becomes one in a long list of one-size-fits-all reforms that invariably fail to deliver on the promise of increasing student achievement.”
Friday, November 09, 2007
Endorsement Watch 11-09-07
A Great Line
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Endorsement Watch 11-08-07
[The Rev. Donald] Wildmon, founder of the American Family Association and a retired United Methodist minister in Tupelo, Miss., announced his support for the former Arkansas governor in a statement released by Huckabee's campaign. ...Other Endorsements:
"I feel that Governor Huckabee understands the needs of our country and has the ability to lead us in meeting those needs," said Wildmon, who added that his endorsement was personal and did not represent an official endorsement from the family association.
For Rudy Giuliani:
Pat Robertson (Christian Broadcasting Network)
For Mitt Romney:
Paul Weyrich, (The Moral Majority, The Heritage Foundation, Free Congress Foundation)
Dr. Bob Jones III (Bob Jones University)
For John McCain:
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
For Mike Huckabee:
Home School Legal Defense Association PAC
Still looking for Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer, James Dobson, Richard Land, Gary DeMar, Mark DeMoss, Franklin Graham, Phyllis Schlafly ... Stay tuned ...
Ju Jitsu in Congress
The local elections Tuesday overshadowed an interesting vote in Congress. Why were the Republicans in North Carolina's delegation* voting to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney?
Because Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) went around the committee process to introduce the bill, and by gum, the Republicans wanted to be sure the Democrats gave it a good, serious airing on the floor. Even when they desparately wanted it to go away.
The vote to kill Kucinch’s privileged resolution began as a largely party-line affair, but halfway through the vote, Rep. John Shadegg (R-Ariz.) persuaded Republican leaders to get rank-and-file GOP lawmakers to change their votes to force the debate.
At one point, the vote to table the motion stood at 246-165. Once Republicans began switching their votes, momentum swung the other way. When the vote stood at 205-206, some Democrats began switching their votes.
The vote to kill Kucinich’s resolution finally failed 162-251, giving Republicans the opportunity to watch Democrats debate whether to impeach Cheney — a debate in which many liberal Democrats were more than willing to engage. House Republicans clearly enjoyed watching Democratic leaders squirm during the series of votes, which lasted more than one hour. ... Nadeam Elshami, a spokesman for Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), accused Republicans of “wasting time.” (From The Hill - emphasis added)
HT: Rick Moran, American Thinker
* Except for Walter Jones (R-NC3)
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Endorsement Watch
"The overriding issue before the American people, is the defense of our population against the bloodlust of Islamic terrorists ... Our world faces deadly peril...and we need a leader with a bold vision who is not afraid to tackle the challenges ahead."
Giuliani, who is pro-choice and pro-gay marriage, welcomed the endorsement; an aide said the mayor and Robertson "have shared goals despite some minor differences", according to Fox News.
My take: Robertson points out Giuliani's obvious strengths, but I don't know how he is dodging the other questions.
Meanwhile, ABC News and others ask if this is the end of the Religious Right voting bloc.
And on their Match-O-Matic quiz, they say Fred Thompson is my best candidate (8 of 11 questions agreed). Romney and Giuliani are tied (6 of 11).
Other Endorsements:
For Mitt Romney:
Paul Weyrich, (The Moral Majority, The Heritage Foundation, Free Congress Foundation)
Dr. Bob Jones III (Bob Jones University)
For John McCain:
Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KS)
For Mike Huckabee:
Home School Legal Defense Association PAC
Where are Tony Perkins, Gary Bauer, James Dobson, Richard Land, Gary DeMar, Mark DeMoss, Franklin Graham, Phyllis Schlafly ? Stay tuned ...
When they came for the health and prosperity preachers ...
I don't follow these teachers, and the parts I've seen make me very skeptical of their message on several fronts. However, if they are mainly "prosperity gospel" preachers, as Fox News characterized them, I would think that charges of lavish personal spending are hollow. If they teach that great personal wealth is a sign of God's favor, and then rise to a leading position in that sort of movement, what does anyone really expect them to do with donations to their ministries? Criticism at this point seems to be the equivalent of slamming a Roman Catholic monk for moving to a monastery after taking a vow of poverty; isn't he simply living out what he claims is right?
I simply can't imagine that anyone following such teaching would expect anything else, and yet they choose to give financial support to these ministries. The teaching isn't Biblical, but it's a particular group's religious expression, and while it may be unorthodox or even unpalatable, the government should keep hands off.
It reminded me of Martin Niemöller's famous statement about not speaking up for groups singled out for attack, simply because they were not obviously of one's own group. Christians of a more traditional evangelical stripe should beware of brushing this aside, because a government with the right to investigate or dictate in matters of religion is a very, very risky thing to have around.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Bearding the lion? Well, tweaking it some
Smith kept to his business background by saying children are customers of the education system, adding that money should halt for programs that aren't working.
"We need to encourage vocational education," Smith said.
Murmurs spread through the audience after Smith suggested that home-schooled children should be able to participate in extracurricular activities at local public schools.
"My message stays the same," he said later, acknowledging that many crowd members weren't thrilled about the idea. "I'm not going to pander to any group."
I'm not anxious for extracurricular access; it would require the state to cajole or compel the N.C. High School Athletic Association to change its rules, for one thing, and NCHSAA is a private non-profit membership organization. There are several things wrong with the state stepping in like that.
Other extracurriculars like music programs, academic clubs, and the like, are up to the local districts or individual principals, which is probably the best alternative; while places like Raleigh and Charlotte usually have a wide range of programs particularly aimed at homeschoolers, there are places in the state where options aren't available. Frankly, I would guess that adding some interested homeschoolers (as well as private school students) into the program would strengthen some of the public school clubs, too, since those same counties are likely to have fewer alternatives or participants in their school system as well.
However, hats off to Sen. Smith for being willing to stand and say it not just in front of the media, but in a group that was very likely to be hostile.
Oh, and the suggestion of turning off the money tap ... didn't that draw a murmur or two? WRAL didn't mention it if it did.
Monday, November 05, 2007
"Who will show us any good?"
LORD, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us.
You have put gladness in my heart,
More than in the season that their grain and wine increased.
I will both lie down in peace, and sleep;
For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Update: To be fair
One very helpful discovery is The Clay Pit, a restaurant owned by a Punjabi family in Murphfreesboro. It's too far to make it for lunch, but it's just right for supper, and we've been twice this week already. Everything is a la carte so we end up with everyone ordering an entree and we all share. Everything so far has been very good, and I think my Indian colleagues enjoy being the hosts, so to speak. I'm trying to go with their recommendations, since I don't know much at all about the names of these dishes (other than "curry" and "tandoori"). Here's what we've had so far:
Paneer pakora
Samosa chaat
Tandoori chicken
Paneer makhani
Daal makhani
Vagharelli daal
Chicken saag
Chicken biryani
Vegetable biryani
Na'an (with and without garlic)
Tandoori roti
and for dessert, gulab jasmun
We also had a yoghurt and mango milkshake called Lassi this evening
A nice break from salad bars for all of us.